android chrome 512x512The Kirkgate Trust supports young people in South-East Edinburgh by helping to develop their awareness, knowledge and experience of the Christian faith, including supporting them in undertaking voluntary projects at home or abroad.

On this website, you can read stories and see pictures from some of the projects we have supported. If you are a young person looking for help with a project, you can download an application form. And if you would like to help support our work, there is information about different ways you can do this.

Apply for Funding

The Kirkgate Trust provides funding for:

  • people aged under 25 to help them undertake voluntary projects at home or abroad

  • projects working with young people in the South-East Edinburgh area

For successful applications, the Kirkgate Trust will normally just provide a contribution towards the cost. You will still need to raise the majority of the cost through your own fund-raising efforts.

If you receive a grant from the Kirkgate Trust you will also be expected to give a presentation of your project at some time when you return.

In general, applications are considered two times each year:

The deadlines are 31st March and 30th September

Funding application

Download Application Form



The Kirkgate Trust is a registered charity and relies on donations for its income. The work we are involved in is exciting and we believe is a great investment in the lives of the next generation.

If you would like to support our work, you can help in a number of ways, for example you can:

  • pray for the school chaplains and for the projects we are supporting

  • organise a fund-raising or sponsored event to raise money for the Kirkgate Trust

  • give a one-off donation

  • arrange to pay a regular amount by standing order to the Kirkgate Trust

Giving by standing order

If you wish to arrange a regular gift (e.g. monthly), then please download the Standing Order form, fill it in and send it to our treasurer.

Standing Order Form 

Download Standing Order Form

Gift Aid Form

Download Gift Aid Form

Gift Aid

If you are UK tax payer, please consider filling in a Gift Aid Declaration form. This will allow us to claim back the tax you have paid on the money you give (currently 28p extra for each £1 you give). You can download the form here:

Download Gift Aid Form

Shopping made easy and funds raised

More and more of us do much of our shopping on-line, and it can be a simple way of raising additional funds for The Kirkgate Trust at absolutely no cost to yourselves. Sites such as Easyfundraising, Amazon, NEXT, Fashion World, Staples, John Lewis, Rated People, various Holiday sites and many more subscribe to the scheme which can raise anything from 1% to 15% of the amount you spend.

Easyfundraising All you have to do is visit Easyfundraising and when you register, select The Kirkgate Trust as the organisation you wish to support. Save the link in your Favourites list, then you can just click on the Easyfundraising site and go through them each time you wish to shop online.

Searching the Internet:
Even if you’re not buying anything online you can still help raise money every time you use the internet. Just use the easysearch search engine, part of Easyfundraising. Easyfundraising is a member of the Institute of Fundraising.

Do you shop with Amazon?
Did you know that if you sign up and shop with Amazon Smile you can raise much needed funds for the Kirkgate Trust

Go to Smile Amazon and sign up. At no cost to you.


Kirkgate Trust

Kirkgate Trust
Liberton Kirk
EH16 6RY


Scottish Charity Number: SC040494